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Divorce, you, and your business

Divorce, you, and your business

Breaking up is hard to do. Beyond the emotional and financial turmoil divorce creates, there are a number of issues that need to be resolved.   What happens when there is a family company?   For couples that have assets tied up in a company, the tax...

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Tax on super balances above $3m hits Parliament

Tax on super balances above $3m hits Parliament

Legislation enabling an extra 15% tax on earnings on super balances above $3m is before Parliament. While not a concern for the average worker, if enacted, those with significant property or other illiquid assets in their superannuation fund are most at risk, for...

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Legislating the ‘objective’ of super

Legislating the ‘objective’ of super

The proposed objective of superannuation released in recently released draft legislation is: ‘to preserve savings to deliver income for a dignified retirement, alongside government support, in an equitable and sustainable way.’ The significance of legislating the...

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The shape of Australia’s future

The shape of Australia’s future

What will the Australian community look like in 40 years? We look at the key takeaways from the Intergenerational Report. The 2023 Intergenerational Report (IGR) is a crystal ball insight into what we can expect Australian society to look like in 40 years and the...

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